Monday, December 23, 2019
College Athletes Of The 21st Century - 1115 Words
College Athletes of the 21st Century The argument about whether a college athlete should be compensated comes up several times a year, especially when the affluentâ€Å"fat cat†businessmen are sitting at home counting their dollars off the backs of amateur athletes around championship time. The debate is whether amateur athletes that are members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association should be compensated for their use of their name, likeness, and athletic skill. Conversely, there is an argument that college athletes are rewarded enough already with scholarships to universities and first looks from professional teams. The NCAA should be compensating college athletes while in school. Furthermore, two Michigan State University lawyers state that college athletes already qualify as laborers under federal labor laws (Cooper). The debate continues concerning compensation for college athletes, and in considering: arguments in favor of compensation for college athletes; arguments against compensation for coll ege athletes; and weighing the evidence of the two arguments; a logical argument can be made in favor of compensation for college athletes. There is a reasonable argument that compensation for college athletes is necessary while attending university. However, the reason for this debate cannot be resolved in such an uncomplicated matter. College football and basketball bring in six billion dollars a year. College athletes deal with scholarship gaps that leave themShow MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Be Paid?1193 Words  | 5 PagesBefore, college athletics was a stepping stone towards the athletes professional future. Now in the 21st century, it is a lucrative business. D-I college athletics is the majority of income for major universities. They collect money from ticket sales, merchandise, T.V. contracts, etc. The athletes, however, receive a scholarship and not much more. Even though receiving a college education is something most people would not complain about, when thes e athletes practice longer than the average AmericanRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1080 Words  | 5 Pages Over time the landscape of college sports in the United States have changed drastically. Since it was created in 1906, the format of the â€Å"IAAUS†has been drastically altered five times. Not to mention the seemingly constant realignment of teams, placing teams like Memphis in the â€Å"Big East†even though they are not located in the east. (Smith, Ronald) The people who are most affected by the atrocities preformed by the NCAA are the players. Every higher up in the NCAA, from the coaches to theRead MoreTitle IX of the Education Amendments of 1972722 Words  | 3 PagesSInce women are no longer allowed to be denied the chance to play on a team because of their gender, more teams must be created in order to fulfill this order. The impact of Title IX has reached high school and college level athletics. Just in 1980, the percentage of female college athletes increased from 15% (1971) to 30 percent, practically doubling (Title 73). High school sports have evidentl y been greatly influenced by Title IX. Back in 1971, 249,000 females participated in high school sportsRead MoreTitle Ix Essay1613 Words  | 7 Pages27 March 2006 A Change in History for Women Women presently play a huge part in daily activities whether it is at school, sports, or work. Over the past three decades, women have gained many rights and privileges that men have had for half a century or longer. 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However, this concept has not caught up with athletic directors, coaches, and trustees boardsRead MoreOn Campus Housing At Community Colleges1424 Words  | 6 Pagesof this paper is to dispel a common view that community colleges do not provide on-campus housing and to provide greater insights into the types of community colleges that provide on-campus housing, the typical student who resides in on-campus housing, a guide to various California community colleges that provide on-campus housing, and the impact that on-campus housing has on student learning outcomes, financial gains for community colleges that provi de on-campus housing, and an overview of the lackRead MoreA Brief Note On Gender And Discrimination Sports Soccer 1580 Words  | 7 Pagessports throughout the world and are not given the same opportunity compared to men. Even though there are also a lot of professional women soccer players, they are not given the same respect as men. These days, women athletes are not even considered as much of a big deal that of men athletes. There is also a whole lot of discrimination going against female coaches. Women’s sportsmanship is not given much attention in general. Even the founder of the modern Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, said inRead MoreGender Equality And Gender Discrimination Essay1211 Words  | 5 Pagespower and authority while women have hidden in the shadows of men. In the 21st century, women have made great strides in attempts to be treated equally as men but are still treated differently. This modern day society believes gender equality exists but i n reality, there is clearly an inequality amongst people creating negative stereotype gender roles, sexually degrading and gender discrimination towards women. The 21st century has seen a dramatic shift in traditional family dynamics and has pulledRead MoreShould College Sports Be Banned?3055 Words  | 13 Pagessports, are no longer fun and games, sports are a business, and college sports are no different. Division I college sports provide a huge source of universities’ income. The school receives money from ticket sales, television contracts, and sport-related merchandise, along with many other sports related revenue builders. The athletes on the other hand, receive their scholarship and little more. While the idea of receiving a free college education is something few would complain about; when the issue
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Assessing and Classifying/Diagnosing 16 to 20 Year Olds Free Essays
Topic: Problems related to assessing and classifying/diagnosing 16 to 20 year olds with patterns of impulsivity, instability in interpersonal relationships, self image and affect. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Assessing and Classifying/Diagnosing 16 to 20 Year Olds or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is Borderline personality disorder 3. Developmental stages of Borderline Disorder on 16-20 year olds 4. Problems associated with diagnosing and classifying Borderline personality Disorder 5. How its patterns affect self image and interpersonal relationships 6. Conclusion 7. References 1. Introduction In this essay I will be discussing the problems related to assessing and classifying/diagnosing 16-20 year olds with patterns of impulsivity, instability in interpersonal relationships, self image and effect. Before I will discuss the above statement, we have to understand what Borderline Personality disorder. â€Å"Borderline personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self image and emotions. People with Borderline Personality Disorder are usually very impulsive (Grohol,J, 2010). The American Psychiatric Association (2009) found that the Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious psychiatric disorder which is difficult to treat and is poorly understood. As time goes on of course they are working on finding q theoretical concept with the help of psychiatrists. 2. What is Borderline Personality Disorder? According to the APA (2000) â€Å"Borderline Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image, and effects and a marked impulsivity beginning in early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts†. It is a critical disorder, a person with this disorder will have a variety of symptoms where they avoid real life events, they have unstable intense interpersonal relationships where sometimes they are happy with whom they are relating to, and then the other moment they are dissatisfied with the relationship. They have an image disturbance where they really do not understand who they are, what they are about and what they want for themselves. 3. Developmental stage of Borderline Personality Disorder on 16-20 year olds The development of Borderline Personality Disorder is not exactly known, since it is difficult to diagnose. Psychiatrist and clinicians also find it complicated to know how it develops. There are various factors that can develop it, such as biological, social and genetic factors, since it involves patterns of Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety and other personality disorders. Borderline Personality Disorder shows up at a later stage of one’s life but it actually starts when the person is still very young. The relationships at the young age the person has had have an impact to its development. Most symptoms are extreme at early 20’s. According to Goodman,M. et al. (2009) Case Presentation of â€Å"V†who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, they found out that when ‘V’ was a child she was moody and unusually sensitive to physical experiences, responded with anger and at times loose appreciation of her surroundings which these episodes occurred from 3-4 times a week, which goes to show that these continuous actions did have an impact towards â€Å"V†being diagnosed with borderline Personality Disorder. 4. Problems associated with diagnosing and classifying Borderline personality Disorder Most people who have personality disorders or a general mental health problems they do not seek out medical health at early stages when the they can see that something is wrong but rather they leave it, but only start acting when the mental problem start affecting their day to day living. In such cases it can be difficult to help people in a short period of time because the disorder may have affected a large area of their lives which will take time for healing. With Borderline Personality Disorder to diagnose most patients are misdiagnosed with other disorders related to it like depression or Bipolar or end up being diagnosed at a later stage of their lives. Borderline Personality Disorder is treated by professional mental health practitioners and they also have difficulty in diagnosing it in 16-20 year olds, since this disorder involves patterns of various personality disorders, so at this age it is still early to know exactly, there maybe still doubts, because the individual diagnosed has to have had repetitive actions of either suicide, depression, anxiety and Bipolar. At the age of 16-20 years the psychiatrist or clinician might just diagnose and say you only have one of the disorders mentioned above. According to the American Psychiatry Association, the individual has to be 18 years old to be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, so basically that means at 16-20 years the disorder is at its early stages, and might be difficult for the psychiatrist to easily diagnose it. It is at early adult hood between 22 years and upwards the psychiatrist can easily pick up from the ongoing patterns of impulsive behaviors. . How its patterns affect self image and interpersonal relationships People with Borderline Personality Disorder are frequently angry and are difficult to live with due to their actions and symptoms of impulsive behavior, sometimes they are happy sometimes they are not happy, these patterns can really confuse a relative and making it difficult to tolerate such a person. 5. 1 Family and Friends Family and friends are usually the firs t to be affected when their relative has Borderline Personality Disorder. Since clinicians and psychiatrists take time in diagnosing this disorder it does get difficult for the family to deal with it since they do not understand what is wrong with them. People with Borderline Personality Disorder are affected in the way they think and see things and can affect the way they see their family and friends. Since it is also caused by the way they have been nurtured at a young age, those experiences can affect the way people treat them. Some of their family and friends cannot really keep up with their impulsive behaviors, and end up resenting and rejecting them. They are also fearful of how they will end up since they are involved also in dangerous acts. 5. 2 Self Image The way one sees themselves determines how they will respond and interprete situations they face. People with Borderline Personality Disorder do not believe in themselves since they are fearful and suicidal, so in some instances they lack in productivity. They cannot control situations they are involved in due to their impulsive behaviors, and they are stressful and face many other challenges due to their personalities. Their different patterns affect even their careers, one moment they are productive and impressive the next moment they are on a downfall. With the loss of some close relatives due to their behavior can lead to their change in self image, leading them next relationships to be very sensitive. They usually expect a lot from people and if they do not get what they want they will end up being disappointed. The change in self image may lead to them thinking they are irrelevant and they are not needed by anyone. 6. Conclusion There are problems related in diagnosing16-20 year olds with Borderline Personality Disorder, because it is a pervasive patterns of instability which includes a variety of other disorders, making it hard for clinicians and psychiatrists to diagnose it. Its development it is still not exactly known and shows up at a later stage even thought it starts at a younger age. It does also affect the relationship s the person has with their friends, family and also the way they see themselves due to their behavior. 7. References 1. Goodman, M. , Hazlett, E. A. , New, A. S. , Koenigsberg, H. W. , Siever, L. (2009). Quieting the effective storm of Borderline Personality Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166,522-528. 2. Grohol, J. , (2010). Borderline Personality Disorder. Psych Central. Retrived on May 04, 2012, from http://psychcentral. com/lib/2007/symptoms-of-borderline-personality-disorder/ 3. Gunderson, J. G. (2009). Borderline Personality Disorder: Ontogeny of a diagnosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166,530-539. 4. Kernberg, O. F. , Michels, R. (2009) Borderline Personality Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166,505-508. How to cite Assessing and Classifying/Diagnosing 16 to 20 Year Olds, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Psychology reflective essay free essay sample
Any act where a prisoner deliberately harms themselves irrespecve of the method, intent or severity of any injury††¢? In 2011- ? 12 over 27,000 self- ? harm incidents, involving almost 7,000 prisoners †¢? 7% of male prisoners †¢? 9% of male young o? enders †¢? 30% of female prisoners †¢? 4- ? 12 mes higher than in the general populaon 2 13/02/2014 England and Wales: 2004- ? 2009 †¢? 139,195 self- ? harm episodes †¢? Involving 26,150 prisoners †¢? 5- ? 6% of male prisoners †¢? 20- ? 24% of female prisoners Repe55on of self- ? harm More than 100 episodes / year: Ra5o of self- ? harm episodes / prisoners 10 9 8 †¢? 2 male prisoners 7 6 †¢? 102 female Prisoners Ra5o 5 4 3 2 1 †¢? 17,307 episodes (26% of total number in female prisoners) 0 2004 2005 2006 Males 2007 2008 2009 Females Counselling in prisons Vigne^es †¢? Ethics – risk, con? denality and the health of the therapist †¢? Security †¢? Who is the client? †¢? Can prison be a therapeuc environment? †¢? What are the e? ects of imprisonment? 3 13/02/2014 What is life in prison like? â€Å"Prisoners su? er the ulmate ignominy of banishment to an uncongenial instuon, which is oBen overcrowded, where friends cannot be chosen, and physical condions are Spartan. Above all, they are all by the process of imprisonment, separated Form everything familiar, including all their social supports and loved ones†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gunn, 1996: 5) Long-term psychological effects Cohen and Taylor (1972) Prisoners in a maximum security prison have an almost obsessive fear of deterioration â€Å"These men felt that all around them were examples of people who had turned into cabbages because they had not been sufficiently vigilant†(p. 56) Irwin (1980) Prisons degrade, embitter, cripple and dehumanise prisoners Pains of imprisonment vs. ‘deep freeze’ paradigm A queson of methods? †¢? â€Å"We do not discount the importance of phenomenology in assessing prison life †¦ But, if we stray too Far from epistemic values that are crucial to a vigorous social science then we run the risk of making disastrous policy decisions†(Bonta Gendreau, 1990) †¢? What counts as ‘good’ evidence? †¢? When and how should we measure pain and deterioraon? †¢? Crique of ‘harm- ? as- ? deterioraon’ paradigm †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? Cross- ? seconal studies, short follow- ? up periods Focus on male long- ? term prisoners Linear vs. curvilinear e? ects â€Å"pain is a harm which psychological scales have so far failed to re? ect†(Liebling and Maruna, 2005: 12) †¢? Need more longitudinal and mixed method research The Pains of Imprisonment Sykes (1958) †¢? deprivation of liberty †¢? deprivation of goods and services †¢? deprivation of heterosexual relationships †¢? deprivation of autonomy †¢? deprivation of personal security Each â€Å"carries a more profound hurt as a set of threats or attacks which are directed against the very foundation of the prisoner’s being. The individual’s picture of himself as a person of value †¦ begins to waver and grow dim†(p. 78-9) Exaggerations? Walker (1987) - ? â€Å"research – chie? y by psychologists – has done much to de? ate the sweeping exaggeraons – chie? y by sociologists – about the ill e? ects of normal incarceraon†Bonta and Genreau (1990) †¢? Meta- ? analyc review of quantave research into crowding, solitary con? nement, short- ? term con? nement long- ? term imprisonment. †¢? â€Å"the empirical data we reviewed quesons the validity of the view that imprisonment is universally painful†(p. 365) †¢? imprisonment may have the fortuitous bene? t of isolang the o? ender from a highly risky lifestyle in the community (p 357). When is imprisonment painful? Bukstel and Kilmann (1980) †¢? The process of adaptation to prison (including patterns of Custody†¦ indeed, prison may provide an opportunity for o? enders previously leading chaoc lifestyles to seHle into a stable roune and engage with services†(p. 79) †¢? Is T1 a valid baseline? †¢? Is T3 too early? †¢? What happens later in the sentence and/or aTer release? †¢? Can/should we look for general pa^erns? â€Å"Some people do experience a decline in mental health in prison. These individuals are more likely to be female, on remand, have pre- ? exisng severe and enduring mental illness or some combinaon of these factors†(Ibid. ) 5 13/02/2014 Prison climate (Liebling, 2004) Summing up †¦ †¢? It is broadly accepted that. Imprisonment can be painful, especially in overcrowded condions †¢? Parcularly under these circumstances, prison can lead â€Å"to an acute worsening of mental health problems†(Joint Commi^ee on Human Rights, 2005: para. 4. 99) Well- ? being Respect Humanity Safety Rela5onships Order Trust Support Fairness Personal development Decency Family contact Meaning Prisoner social life Power/authority †¢? The high rates of suicides and self- ? harm in prisons may be viewed as evidence that ‘doing me’ is stressful and damaging for many prisoners †¢? Nevertheless, â€Å"there is li^le to support the conclusion that long term imprisonment necessarily. Has detrimental e? ects†(emphasis added, Bonta and Gendreau, 1990: 357) †¢? Short- ? term impact– psychological and otherwise †¢? Praccal, health, socio- ? economic and relaonal consequences for prisoners and their families Supporting prisoners’ well- ? being †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? First night centres/packs Safer Locals Personal o? cer schemes Access to Samaritans’ phones and counselling Peer support and mentoring (including listener schemes) Chaplaincy Cell- ? sharing risk assessment Equivalence of health care Purposeful acvity encouraged Educaon O? ending Behaviour Drug Rehabilitaon Programmes Family. Visits days Charity support services (e. g. foreign naonals) Focus on rese^lement/building links with community services Should prison aim to be a therapeutic environment? Crique of the ‘therapunive rhetoric’ â€Å"Although in themselves the psychological programmes are most probably harmless [†¦ they] actually cause harm because they suggest to women that they should be able to control their responses to adverse material circumstances over which, in fact, they have no control†(Carlen, 2006: 7) Legimising the use of imprisonment E? ecveness, feasibility and ethics of ‘voluntary’ psychological therapies and intervenons – and. Costs involved Warehousing? Being a prison counsellor â€Å"Some argue it may be useless and even unethical to provide psychotherapy within the prison system, as the environment migates against therapeuc change. Who is the counsellor working for? For the prison system? The client? The NHS? Society? Her/himself? Perhaps the counsellor is working for a putave future vicm. And what are the necessary condions for e? ecve psychotherapy? Con? denality is a prime ingredient of the therapeuc relaonship: how might the issue of client con? denality work within the prison system? †(Pars, n. d. ) â€Å"†¦I needed to be adaptable yet. Aware of the importance of maintaining the frame and boundary of the therapeuc relaonship. On a typical visit I would be escorted up to the Visits Hall †¦ I would see my clients in a small booths (about six feet square) where con? denality was clearly an issue. We could be seen by most people in the hall and potenally overheard by anyone in an adjacent booth. This could be a source of distracon and somemes concern for my clients. I enquired as to whether there might be a more suitable room available, but was told that due to the overcrowding there was a serious shortage of space. It was this or nothing. I felt that this Was indeed be^er than nothing†¦ 6 13/02/2014 Inially, the biggest impression was how desperate people were to tell their stories. Many of them had never con? ded their childhood abuse. A large number of them were scared to tell anyone what had happened because of the received wisdom that to be abused means they will probably abuse. So for any other inmate to ?nd out they were talking to a sexual- ? abuse counsellor could have various unpleasant consequences. I was also aware that prison is not necessarily the best place to explore di? cult feelings, open up and potenally make oneself vulnerable. This was an ongoing problem. Was it fair, or even ethical, to ask anyone to go through counselling within such an environment? I thought (and think) it was. The conclusion I came to aTer working with a number of inmates for over four years, was that a large percentage of the prison populaon were traumased in childhood by some form of abuse: sexual, physical or psychological†¦ For these people, counselling can be of great bene? t. Many of them have never experienced a warm, posive, non- ? judgmental relaonship and the experience of one can empower them and teach them empathy (some of my clients became Listeners aTer a few months of counselling). â€
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Research Paper on Ansel Adams Essay Example
Research Paper on Ansel Adams Essay Ensel Easton Adams (20 February 1902 – 22 April 1984) was an American photographer, most famous for its black-and-white shots of the American West. Adams was also the author of several books, including the trilogy The Camera, The Negative, The Print, and one of the founders of the f/64 group of photographers. In addition, Adams, along with Fred Archer, created a zone system, which allows photographers to improve the quality control of the finished negative. College students writing their research paper on the topic have to clearly understander that was born in San Francisco, USA 20 February 1902. In four years, during a significantly strong earthquake, he fell and broke his nose, which ended up curved for life. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Ansel Adams specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Ansel Adams specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Ansel Adams specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Ensel was very active and at the same time often a sick child. He had no patience for games and sports. From an early age he had a highly developed desire to explore nature; he could often been caught at collecting bugs and exploring the nearby beach. When his father, Charles Adams bought him a telescope it has become their common hobby. Ensel was brought up in the spirit of the philosophy of Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who preached to live a modest and virtuous life, guided by a social responsibility to man and nature. With a broken nose after the earthquake, conflicts at home, poor academic performance in numerous schools, small Ensel found solace in the immutability and purity of nature during his walks that his usually stern father almost never forbade him. In 1912, when Adams was 10 years old, his father took him out of school and organized home schooling, which included, inter alia, the lessons of the piano and the Greek language. His passion for music was quite serious, but later when he became acquainted with the work of the photographer Paul Strand, he showed the interested in photography. After that Adams has not been able to make a choice between his two passions. At age of 17, Adams joined the Sierra Club, specializing in the protection of natural monuments and wealth. He remained a member of the organization throughout his life. Many of his photographs Adams devoted to the nature conservation and were used by the club in its work. During his life, Adams trice became the winner of the Solomon Guggenheim award. In 1966 he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1980 Adams received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from the American president Jimmy Carter. Ensel Adams died because of a cardiac arrest on 22 April 1984. All his authors rights went to The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust. It is an excellent idea to use free sample research papers on Ensel Adams to investigate all the various aspects of his life and work. In addition, these fee samples will teach to outline your statement thesis. At custom writing service you can buy a custom research paper on Ansel Adams topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details: Enjoy our professional research paper writing service!
Monday, November 25, 2019
Beginning Level Writing for ESL Describing Cities
Beginning Level Writing for ESL Describing Cities Read the following paragraphs introducing Portland, Oregon. Notice that each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the city. Portland, Oregon is located in the northwest of the United States. Both the Columbia and the Willamette river run through Portland. It is the largest city in the state of Oregon. The city is famous for its proximity to the mountains and the ocean, as well as its relaxed, friendly inhabitants. Approximately 500,000 people live in Portland while the Portland metro area has a population of over 1.5 million inhabitants. The main industries in the Portland area include computer chip manufacturing and sportswear design. In fact, two famous sportswear companies are based in the Portland Area: Nike and Columbia Sportswear. The largest employer is Intel which employs over 15,000 people in the greater Portland metro area. There are also many smaller technology companies located in downtown Portland. Portlands weather is famous for its rain. However, the spring and summer are quite lovely and mild. The Willamette V alley to the south of Portland is important for its agriculture and wine production. The Cascade Mountains are located to the east of Portland. Mt. Hood has three major skiing facilities and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. The Columbia river gorge is also located close to Portland. Tips for Writing an Introduction to a City Discuss one aspect of the city in each paragraph. For example, one paragraph about general facts and population, one paragraph about industries, one paragraph about culture, etc.Use resources such as Wikipedia to help you find facts about the city.Use its as a possessive when writing about a city (not her, or his). For example, Its main exports are ...When using numbers, write out the numbers up to twenty. For larger numbers, use numerals. For example: There are two professional sports organizations ... BUT There are over 130,000 inhabitants in XYZ.Use million when expressing very large numbers. For example, 2.4 million people live in the greater metro area.Make sure to capitalize specific names of companies and monuments.Use both the comparative and superlative forms to make statements relating to other cities and regions. For example: It is the largest producer of apples in the state. Helpful Language Location X is located in the Y region of (country)X lies between the A and the B (mountains, valleys, rivers, etc.)Located at the foot of the B mountainsLocated in the R valley Population X has a population of ZMore than (number) people live in XApproximately (number) people live in XWith a population of (number), X ....inhabitants Features X is famous for ...X is known as ...X features ...(product, food, etc.) is important for X, ... Work The main industries in X are ...X has a number of Y plants (factories, etc.)The main employers of X are ...The largest employer is ... Writing About a City Exercise Choose a city you would like to describe.Find a research page for reference purposes. You can use sites like Wikipedia, magazines, or other resources.Choose three or four broad topics you would like to discuss.For each topic, write down a list of specific facts using your reference materials. For example: Â Weather -Â more than 80 inches of snow on average extremely hot summers etc.Take each fact and write a sentence about that fact. For example:Boulder receives more than 80 inches of snow on average each winter.Combine your sentences into a paragraph on each broad topic. Make sure to use linking language, pronouns, etc. to link the ideas in your sentences into a logical sequence.If you are using a computer, make sure to spell check your work.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Blue Nile Case Essay Example for Free
Blue Nile Case Essay Blue Nile has grown into one of the largest jewelry retailers in the United States with only using the Internet as its distribution channel. The success is a direct result of a well-crafted business strategy that attracts high price customers and provides them with in-depth education about diamonds and jewelry. Gamble, Peteraf, Strickland III, and Thompson (2012), indicated that the company’s strategy provides customers with high quality diamonds, exceptional customer service and low prices (p. c-128). They pride themselves on their selection and outstanding education that they provide to consumers looking for the perfect diamond. In addition they have received various awards and recognition from Forbes and (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland, 2012, p. C-127). Blue Nile has found a niche in which to differentiate itself by creating an online marketplace for jewelry shopping and with low operating costs which makes them extremely competitive. In viewing Blue Niles website, one can see that they have a vast amount of for potential buyers, that which determine a diamond’s value- carat, clarity, color, cut, and cut grade. The company has a user friendly site that present a lot of diamonds styles to choose from with the 5C’s of diamond selection which are cut shape, cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Their price is much lower than others. Blue Niles also prides themselves on their selection and outstanding education that they provide to consumers looking for the perfect diamond (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland, 2012, p. C-127). Blue Nile competes in a small area with a specialty offering. Brand awareness remains a constant source of weakness for the company. Blue Nile, Inc. needs to increase their advertising campaign to attract new and retain old customers. Blue Nile needs to create a strong brand awareness that will allow can compete with Tiffany and Co. Blue Nile, Inc. recently opened warehouses in Canada and Britain, but has limited globalization to sales of 40 nations. Blue Nile will need global growth into the European market could prove to be a financial success. Through the operating capital calculations it indicates that Blue Niles strategy is needs some adjustments in the current market space. From 2005 to 2009 the cash that has been available for the firm’s day-to-day operations has dropped dramatically. There was an estimated $58.8 billion in sales in the United States alone in 2009 (Thompson, 2012, p. C-127). With Blue Nile taking $302 million in sales in 2009, they had a great year but in reality only maintain a less than 1% of the market industry hold. This suggests that there is room for growth in this are. With steady profits for the past two years, 2011 has been the best year even though the 4th quarter resulted in small loss. The company profits are 2011 – $348 million, 2010 – $332.9 million, 2009 – $302.1 million, and in 2008 – $295.3 million be (Blue Nile, 2012, Investor Relations). Blue Nile, Inc. 2011 Annual Report (2012). Blue Nile, Inc. (online). r posting and I enjoyed reading it also. In reviewing the financials and the Internet site, it is apparent that Blue Nile spends a lot of money in the area that has no direct impact on generating profit. Blue Nile is now pursuing a new market consisting of non-engagement jewelry by offering an expanded range of products across several price points. This market should offer a great amount of growth opportunities for now and the future. All in all the brand and name recognition is the key aspect that the must pay attention to. Your post was very insightful. A main issue for Blue Nile is the lack of exposure through the their advertising. Blue Nile offers the best prices while still being able to create a profit. The low operations cost of the business enables them to offer low prices and still make a profit. On the other hand the lack of store front exposure creates a problem for gaining additional clients. By adding new products they can create there reach and drive more revenue. Blue Nile Case. (2016, Dec 31).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Assignment 3 - Essay Example Furthermore an understanding and integration of filtering, meaning watching, and meaning constriction also will be discussed. It is the hope of this author that through such an analysis the means by which individuals are marketed to as well is the means by which individuals relate to and understand marketing will be understood to a further degree. The first of the magazines which will be analyzed within this brief discussion is that of â€Å"Woman’s Day†. Exhibition of the niche market and segmentation that â€Å"Woman’s Day†represents is instantly noted by its cover. Whereas the covers of nearly every surrounding magazine have pictured upon them stylize, airbrushed, and otherwise unreasonable representations of beauty, the current edition of â€Å"Woman’s Day†features upon its cover representations of several culinary treats. As a function of the representation of food, and the overtly obvious title that the magazine exhibits, the individu al understands that this particular magazine is geared specifically towards a female audience most likely between the ages of 30 to 65. Accordingly the lifestyle that is exhibited by such market segmentation is likely that of a homemaker; or at least an individual that is highly interested in cooking and homemaking. Naturally the values and attitudes that such a magazine seeks to express are somewhat more muted and conservative than many of the other offerings that might be seen within a local magazine rack. Conversely, with respect to the magazine â€Å"Seventeen†, the subject matter is almost entirely different. As one can see both from the title and the highly sexualized imagery available on the front cover, the magazine seeks to integrate with a young consumer that is highly conscious of their clothing, busy, and overall sex of fuel. As a function of this nearly every single article that is advertised on the cover speaks to some if not all of these three subcategories of interest. Although it cannot be definitively stated by this author the upper bounds of the age group that â€Å"Seventeen†magazines might appeal, it is safe to assume that the magazine is most certainly geared towards an audience between the ages of 15 to 27 years of age. Although broad statements cannot be made with regards to the values attitudes and lifestyle of the consumer that might integrate with such a magazine, it is also safe to assume that these will necessarily be more liberal, relaxed, and open-minded than those the VALS that were exhibited within the market segmentation and representation of â€Å"â€Å"Woman’s Day††. Finally, with regards to â€Å"Maxim†magazine the demographic and segmentation that is targeted and marketed to is almost exclusively male. â€Å"Maxim†represents a unique case due to the fact that many of the market strategies that are employed to sell the magazines are not entirely unlike the same marketing s trategies and segmentations that the pornography industry utilizes to sell their magazines. Accordingly, from a cursory review of cover as well as the stories, the main thrust of the magazine is concentric upon male sex drive. As such females are represented, both on the cover and inside magazine, and highly erotic (albeit clothed) poses whereas the stories that the company these representations are almost always concentric upon what might be understood as typical male behavior. As with â€Å"
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essay - 1
Computer Sciences and Information Technology - Essay Example EHRs are very quick as there is no need for any paper-work for documenting and sharing of the information and images. Thus, an EHR plays a vital role in evidence based treatment and decision-making without having to go through the manual process (Williams, 2010). These enable access to the records even from distant areas by means of online networking. The drawback with EHRs is that they are quite expensive but once implemented, they tend to be very cost-effective. Carter (2008) studied that the concept of EHRs began in 1960s â€Å"with the COSTAR system, developed by Barnett at the Laboratory of Computer Science at Massachusetts General Hospital†(p.7). According to him, the earlier efforts provided models and pseudo types on which current â€Å"hospital-based and ambulatory†EHRs are based upon. EHRs can be used as tools for continuity of care and for collaborative performance of healthcare providers. EHRs are a significant contribution to the medical industry since th ese have modernized the way patients’ data are stored. Disadvantages Research has it that despite significant advantages of EHRs, their adoption rates are progressing rather slowly. Gans et al. (2005) conducted a research on the use of EHRs and IT based tools in the health industry and concluded that most health professionals were not incorporating EHRs, especially in smaller practices. Their findings suggested that the adoption of EHRs was making progress at a snail's pace; however, the physicians planned to incorporate them in the coming years. They found that this happened because the practitioners found it difficult to choose and implement EHRs. What kept physicians from implementing EHRs in their settings was the knowledge gap. Jha et al. (2009) conducted a significant survey of a number of acute care hospitals to find out the EHR functionality and implementation. They found that out of the 63% hospitals in the US that were surveyed, only 1.5% had integrated the use of c omprehensive EHRs and 7.6% were following a basic model of EHRs. They suggested that the lower adoption rate was due to higher maintenance costs. Linder et al. (2007) conducted a retrospective cross-sectional survey to determine the relation between the use of EHRs in health centers and the quality of ambulatory heath care which they referred to as ambulatory quality indicators. They found that there was no significant performance difference between the centers that used EHRs and those which did not. Major Competitors in the Marketplace Gold (2011) writes in his updated guide about EHRs about major competitors in the marketplace that are promoting this technology. According to him, seeing the performance of EHRs, it is very likely that EHRs will be implemented in all health organizations in near future taking the place of paper documentation that has been in place for years. At present, the market leaders for EHRs include Cerner, iSoft and Emis. Cerner Cerner is the US based product and â€Å"has so far been installed across 16 trusts and more than 70 hospitals since being launched in 2004, as the preferred NPfIT software for London†, writes Gold (2011). The health organizations that have, at present, employed Cerner EHRs include Kingston Hospital, Homerton Hospital in London, Newham University Hospital trust, and Wirral University Teaching Hospital foundation trust. iSoft iSoft is an Australian company. The US IT firm, CSC, is buying it for implementation. Th
Saturday, November 16, 2019
War Poetry Essay Example for Free
War Poetry Essay A popular theme for poets in the last century was war. Many famous poems were written about the two world wars, as well as the Korean and Vietnam wars. For my report I have chosen six poems, three by Wilfred Owen and three by Australian poets. ?Anthem for Doomed Youth, ? The Send Off and ? Insensibility (1) were written by Owen during the first world war to express his anti-war attitude. ?Beach Burial by Kenneth Slessor, ? Homecoming by Bruce Dawe and ? Letter XV by Bruce Beaver are famous Australian poems about war. The poems have many similarities, especially in content, but also have their differences. The subject matter of the poems is obviously generally the same. Most are about soldiers dying/dead because of a war. ?Beach Burial is specifically about the WW2 battle at El Alamein, and ? Homecoming is concerned with the effect of the Vietnam War, but the rest are about war in general. The purpose of the poems is to convey the poets own beliefs against war, for example Wilfred Owen was an avid anti-war activist, despite or maybe because of the fact that he fought in WW1. The emotion portrayed is mostly depressive, somber and bitter. ?Anthem for Doomed Youth seems slightly accusatory; this is because the poet asks questions of the reader, almost daring the reader to disagree. ?Letter XV emits a confused mood, as if the poet doesnt understand why war exists. All the poems could probably be described as elegies, considering they are all laments for the dead. ?Anthem for Doomed Youth is almost a Shakespearean sonnet, but the rhyming is wrong, so technically it is a Petrarchan sonnet (divided into an octave and sestet). The other poems are either separated into regular stanzas ? like ? Beach Burial- or have no real structure, such as ? Homecoming. There is plenty of imagery in most of the poems. ?The Send Off used the oxymoron ? faces grimly gay to describe the men, indicating that they seem happy but they shouldnt, since they are going to war. The poet also describes the men as ? dead while they are alive, because he is so sure of their fate. Imagery is used in ? Homecoming to describe the different types of men -? curly-heads, kinky-hairs, crew-cuts and their homes ? ridiculous curvatures of earth the knuckled hills this paints a vivid picture in the readers mind. In Beach Burial dead bodies are given attributes of live men, such as ? they sway and wander. As well as this, the phrase ? words choke is used to describe the lack of names for the dead soldiers. Personification is also used in ? Anthem for Doomed Youth, where guns are ? angry and the sound of shells is described as ? shrill, demented choirs. ?Alleys cobbled with their brothers is used in ? Insensibility to describe a trench with dead bodies strewn around; this is an unpleasant image, used intentionally to disturb the reader. These techniques are used to give life to the poems, to portray the thoughts of the poet and to make the poems interesting. Sound and Rhythm are important in a poem to make it audibly aesthetic and to make it flow. Two of the poems have no rhyme (blank verse) ? Letter XV is staccato and abrupt but ? Homecoming uses repetition of ? bringing them home to help flow, and an amphora of ? theyre. ?The Send Off has four stanzas of five lines each with a rhyming structure of a,b,a,a,b for each stanza. ?Anthem for Doomed Youth has the structure- a,b,a,b,c,d,c,d, e,f,f,e,g,g. This, as I mentioned, is almost a Shakespearean sonnet (a,b,a,b,c,d,c,d, e,f,e,f,g,g). These rhymes improve the sound and rhythm of the poem. ?Insensibility and ? Beach Burial each contain a slant rhyme. ?Insensibility uses consonance, with rhyming couplets i. e. Killed/cold, brothers/withers. The second and fourth lines of ? Beach Burial have a slant rhyme, i. e. come/foam, men/begin, while the third line has an internal rhyme, such as wander/ under in ? At night they sway and wander in the waters far under Although ? Insensibility and ? Beach Burial dont have ? true rhyme; the fake rhyme still creates rhythm. The two main components of a poem are the content, meaning the subject and emotion, and the technique which is things like structure, rhythm and imagery. The six war poems I chose have a very similar content because the topic is common to all of them. Large differences come in the technique, because this defines the way a poem is written, not what it is about. Owen s poems, ? Anthem for Doomed Youth ? The Send Off and Insensibility (1) were all structured poems with at least partial rhyme, and had similarities because of the poets technique. The three Australian poems, ? Beach Burial by Kenneth Slessor, Bruce Dawes ? Homecoming and ? Letter XV by Bruce Beaver differ greatly, from the regular rhyming ? Beach Burial to the staccato, unstructured ? Letter XV The technique part of the poem, as it can be seen with these examples, is completely detached from the content, and varies between poets, rather than themes. I prefer the rhythm and consistency of Owens poems and ? Beach Burial to the style of ? Homecoming or ? Letter XV. I like the rhymes, as they tend to bring the poem together, they unify it. Obviously I agree with the message in all these poems, or I wouldnt have chosen the theme of war / anti-war poetry. All of the poems depressed me (apart from Letter XV, which confused me) so the poets must have done a good job at portraying emotions.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Unity of the World in Plotinian Philosophy :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays
The Unity of the World in Plotinian Philosophy ABSTRACT: Do classical, contemplative philosophies have anything to teach which is relevant to life here and now? In the case of Plotinus, yes. While Platonic metaphysics is most often summarized as dualistic, where one sensible world stands apart from and in tension with an intelligible (or mystical) world, in the case of Plotinus this interpretation is incorrect. He does distinguish between sensibles and sense-experience, on one hand, and intelligibles and intelligible experience, on the other; but the two belong together intimately: both are located in the same space, and the sensible is related to the intelligible as a shadow to its object or a reflection to what it reflects. Plotinus’ world is one. Given this picture, one rightly wonders at the status of the Plotinian exhortation for the soul to flee "alone to the Alone." Does not the journey of the soul to its source require a passing beyond of this world to some other? No, Plotinus exhortation should be understood as a reorientation, a reordering within the world here and now, not a rejection of one reality in favor of some other. This can be likened to Aesop’s fable, "The Dog and the Bone," where the dog had the choice between one real and one illusory bone, not two separate bones. Similarly, Plotinus’ world, though it can be perceived dualistically, is ontologically one; hence his metaphysics, far from otherworldly, offers a means of understanding life as it is to be lived here and now. My paper takes as the starting point for its argument the traditional interpretation (and classic criticism) of Platonic metaphysics as a two worlds view of reality: one world, that which includes this room of people, i.e., the here and now which is characterized by change, disorder, conflict, coming to be and passing out of being, corruption, etc.; and another world, located who knows where, but certainly not identical to what we see around us at present, the realm of changelessness and order, ontological perdurance, harmony, unity: Plato's "plain of Truth", the residence of the forms. In light of these two worlds, the Platonic philosopher's wisdom, whatever it may be, must be a wisdom not of this world. Indeed, did not Plato's Socrates himself say that his life the philosophical life was the art of practising death? Should that Socrates or anyone who professes to be a Platonic philosopher show up at, let us say, the World Congress of
Monday, November 11, 2019
Bureaucratic Politics and Intelligence in the Falklands War 1982 Essay
The Farklands war began on Friday, 2 April 1982. The fight was between Argentina and the United Kingdom (UK). The main dispute was over Farklands Islands and South Georgia and the other Islands known as South Sandwich. The fatalities of the violence included many people such as left-wing activists, trade unionists, students and even journalists. The Farkland Island was well known for its abundant supply of oil within its territorial waters. Argentina had already occupied the islands which was a British colony. Their main aim was to relocate attention from economical and social problems at that particular time (Grant, 2000, 3). Therefore, it was a political contrive by the Argentine political government to break away from its own state of social conflicts. Jorge Rafael Videla’s military dictatorship as part of the Operation Condor carried out the state terrorism. The Farklands conflict marked the great use of modern weapon systems under the military theorists. All the main elements of military theory came into practice at that period. This included several elements such as public enthusiasm, national determination, opportunity and miscalculation. Additionally, the war was itself an inquisitive combination of modern high-tech warfare and low-tech. The British forces were much outnumbered on the war ground. They never had the exact air true covers and only what they had was the aircraft that came with the task force. The bureaucratic politics played a major role in ensuring the victory of the British during the Farklands war. For instance, four factors are said to have neccessitated the British success. This includes, effective and sufficient training of the military, good leadership by the political leaders who gave them a lot of support, courage in the army and above all the Britain’s closest supporter, the United States. The endorsement of the United State’s policy towards the Farklands conflict provides an adequate evidence of how bureaucratic politics was involved during the war. The proper response of the above mentioned policy was properly constituted and played at the highest levels of the Reagan administration. The process was mainly confined entirely to the executive branch which was by that time dominated by the conformist view of the America’s place in the whole world. On the other hand, Graham T. Allison’s bureaucratic politics did not support the acceptance of the foreign policy goals. The president Reagan’s leadership style, the relationship of assorted personalities, conflicting interpretations of national interest and the opposing bureaucratic imperatives played a main role in creating a situation that was being characterized by disperse power and multiple actions in the war (Gustafson, 1998, 14). During the 1982 Falklands war, the Thatcher government attempted to assume an isolated and remote colony in the South Atlantic as British sovereign territory was very important in ensuring the mobilization of the media and also the support for the war recovery campaign. The re-imaginative process also included the role of the rural imagery. Additionally, the government-imposed censorship enhanced positive reporting of the war campaign. During the Falklands war, there were some negotiations between the two sides to avoid war but an agreement was never reached. This means that the use of diplomacy had failed in the Falklands Islands (Mauro, nd, 3). The main reason that constituted to this disagreement is that, there was a lot of misconstruction between the British and the Argentines. For instance, The Argentines never believed that the British would retaliate and on the other hand, the British always fought to believe that Argentina wanted a peaceful solution. Regarding the president’s personalities they were required to remain and appear very strong in terms of the diplomatic principles. The diplomatic solution was however not reached in the Falklands due to the political self-preservation, practical obstructions and diplomatic principle that were being practiced by the political leaders. During that time of war, the Argentina’s rulers were under the General Galtieri, a murderous, unpopular military junta. When they invaded the Falklands islands, they decided to make themselves less unpopular at home with the forces of Argentine prejudice behind them. This enabled them to be aware of all what was happening in the world around them and support Galtieri invasion and occupation. Margaret Thatcher together with her government in Britain was at that particular time very unpopular at home too. As a result of 1982 defeat, a vicious and incompetent dictatorship was overthrown in Argentina and then democracy was restored back (Robert, 1988, 428). The army was subjected to a civilian rule and was also transformed into modern professional institutions that were devoted to regional integration and peace. The Role of Intelligence in Explaining the War of Falklands 1982. The Britain intelligence professionals disregarded signs of political unrest and particular military intelligence communications from Argentina. As a result of their ignorance, they were vulnerable to surprise attacks. Another factor that contributed to the acceleration of the Falkland conflict was the neglected United State diplomatic efforts and reactions. The British were enjoying the privilege to access the U. S intelligence in their policy making. Intelligence was only considered to be the main determining factor in making of foreign policy that was being used during the war (Justin, 2007, 6). Application of intelligence enabled the successful conduct of the military operations of the Britain and the Argentina government. Domestic ratification of international agreement which seemed so much peculiar was applied during the Farkland war. In win-set game theory, the agreement was only possible if those win-sets overlaps and the larger each win-set and more probably they overlap. However, the smaller the win-sets, the more the risk those negotiations between the parties will finally break down. This was the same case that applied during the prolonged pre-war Anglo-Argentine conciliation over the Farklands islands. Tentative agreements were opposed in one capital or the other. This was mainly caused by political reasons when it became vivid that the earlier British and Argentine win-sets did not overlap at. As a result, the war became virtually inevitable. The negotiations were interpreted in terms of a bureaucratic politics model of level 11 politicking The armed forces of Britain were much closer to those of the United States and their air forces worked together during the Falklands war. The Britain also had well collaboration of weapons programme which was very strong in the nuclear area (Sean, 2007, 9). Additionally, there was much co-operation on human intelligence between Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Britain’s Secret Intelligence service (SIS). The intelligence services included satellite photos, unmanned aerial vehicles and other defense intelligence staff. Therefore, the Britain found it much easier to re-conquer Falklands because of the American intelligence. The Argentines used up-to date intelligence together with their detailed skills and knowledge. For instance, the Argentine ships were sailing to and around the Falkland Islands testing the Argentine defenses. During the Falklands conflict, France seemed to be very helpful to the Britain in support of intelligence. For instance, President Mitterrand instructed the French intelligence services to help the Britain track the movements of an Argentine ship that sailed close to France and Spain and was suspected of trying to get French-made military hardware. Additionally, the selective discharges of French signals intelligence were of great benefit to the Britain during the Falklands war. References Gustafson, L 1988, The Sovereignty Dispute over the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, Oxford University Press, New York Justin, V 2007, Argentina and Britain: the lessons of war, viewed 5 August 2010 from Mauro, J nd, The Falklands Islands War: Diplomatic Failure in April 1982. Wake forest University, viewed on 5 August 2010 from Robert, D 1988, Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-level Game. International Organization, Vol. 42, No. 3, p. 427-460. Viewed 5 August 2010 from Sean, M 2007, Some Reflections on the Falklands War and the Kitsch-left Now Viewed on 5 August 2010 from Grant, C 2000, Intimate Relations, viewed 5 August 2010 from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated Essay
In the article â€Å"What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated†Mr. Kohn point out 6 points on being educated. Point 1.The Point of Schooling. (Nel Noddings the professor emerita at Stanford University, urges us to reject â€Å"the deadly notion that the schools’ first priority should be intellectual development†and contends that â€Å"the main aim of education should be to produce competent, caring, loving, and lovable people.†) I like this quote on the purposes of education. I work in a Christian School the maine goal for us as teachers and coaches is to participate in the development of a well-rounded student so they can learn the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in life. The next point that I would like to discuss is the concept of evaluating people as a whole vs. someone’s education. In this point Mr. Kohn talks about the difference in being well educated and the difference from simply being provided with a poor education. Is there a difference? I personally believe there are different types of education and not all people learn the same way. In the city that I live in there are many choices for schools from private to public. In some cases people move multiple times to keep their children in the district with the best schools. You must look at the person and where they came from in some families unfortunately education is not a main concern survival as a whole may be. Therefore we must look at the whole person not just the education someone may have. The next point is the absence of consensus, in this point Mr. Kohn discusses what a high school student should know or be able to do. He goes on to talk about the local and state and national standards. Should they all be the same? I believe it would be hard for every state to have the same standards across the board for education. There are going to be obvious areas where education is valued and areas where simply surviving is important. The district in my area is too large and some of the same standards do not make sense and applied to each town and county. I think that having standards is a good thought but there should be a better way of measuring these standards than simply testing the students sometimes individuals are not very good at test taking. Another important point Kohn discusses is all the definitions used for accommodations and school terms that do not make sense. The concept of seat time, which is the idea of being in a seat for a specific amount of time dose not mean that you are well-educated. Just by setting in a lecture or listening to a new concept doesn’t always mean that you will retain that information that was being taught. The average person forgets or can’t remember what was said to them 48 hours ago. Another term is the term job skills Kohn states that â€Å"It would be a mistake to reduce schooling to vocational preparation, if only because we can easily imagine graduates who are well-prepared for the workplace (or at least for some workplaces)†In this statement he is telling us that someone with just one skill will be at a disadvantage, throughout life because of the way the world is changing with new technology that is making everything move quicker. The idea of test score is a point that interests me as well, just because you scored well on tests does not necessarily mean that you will be able to retain information from what you read. I think that some people have anxiety when it comes to tests specifically those with time limits and the added pressure of scoring well. In some cases teachers are under so much pressure to teach what will be on the test more then the concepts formulas of the material of the class. They are not always teaching what the proper foundations are of the subject. They are required to have certain scores for their classrooms to be successful. Another interesting point that is made is the Memorization of a bunch o’ facts. Kohn explains, â€Å"Familiarity with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely poor way to judge who is well-educated.†Just because you can talk about great authors remember some quotes and tell some theories doesn’t mean you are well informed. Kohn also talks about the hierarchy of the graduation process and who is in charge of deciding who passes and fails because of a standardized test. It seams to be problem in multiple states. To be able to graduate you must fit in the required credits courses requirements. â€Å"This is disturbing not merely because of the inherent limits of the tests, but also because teaching becomes distorted when passing those tests becomes the paramount goal. Students arguably receive an inferior education when pressure is applied to raise their test scores, which means that high school exit exams may actually lower standards.†With this statement you can see that Mr. Kohn feels that’s the test scores are not actually relevant to all. He goes on to tell us more about the â€Å"Pass this standardized test or you don’t graduate,†If we look at most states we see that they are using curriculum standards to help students graduate with the same standards as others students in other states. Students are learning facts, skills, and sub skills that they are expected to master at the grade level to continue on to the next grade level. The final point Kohn brings about talking about what it takes to be well-educated. Kohn, lists some qualities that are used to help you to succeed. â€Å"Schooling is organized around problems, projects, and questions – as opposed to facts, skills, and disciplines.†If teachers can focus on this and apply this to there classroom then knowledge and learning become exciting for the students. â€Å"Teachers are generalists first and specialists (in a given subject matter) second;†With this statement you can see that if you can apply this to your class room that you can succeed and continue to have a great learning environment. Well-educated people have general knowledge of world needed for making rational decisions in personal and intellectual life and basic skills, which develops the analytical ability to order and adapt to the changing environment. With an open mind, which helps to set up new and different goals in life, and with experiences and the skill to analyze and value the others’ ideas or thoughts. In Proverbs 1:7–9. 7 the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. 8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. 9 They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. This verse speaks to the lessons you have learned not only from your parents and the Bible but also from your time in school. Learning never ends to be well-educated you need to have the desire to learn and grow as the world continues to change.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
All About Abbreviations
All About Abbreviations All About Abbreviations All About Abbreviations By Guest Author This is a guest post by Letia Graening. An abbreviation is defined as a shortened version of a word or phrase. But did you know that there are many different types of abbreviations? Here is a list of abbreviation types: Acronym – This forms a word using the initial parts or first letters of a name. For example, ABBA, MADD, and OPEC are all acronyms that take the first letter from each word to form a new word. Lesser known acronyms include scuba and laser. The latter examples show that not all acronyms have to be capitalized. Initialism Also called alphabetism, this is a group of letters, each pronounced separately, used as an abbreviation for a name or expression. Examples include: CD, TV, and UK. Truncation This type of abbreviation consists only of the first part of a word. These are most often used when referring to proper titles such as months of the year or days of the week, e.g., Mon., Fri., Apr., Oct. Clipped – Similar to truncation in that you are using a part of the word to form the abbreviation, but in this case you’re using either the middle or end. Common clipped abbreviations include phone (telephone) and fridge (refrigerator). Aphesis In this case, you have dropped the unstressed vowel at the beginning of the word. These are often unintentional and casually spoken versions of the words. Perhaps the best example is cause instead of because. Portmanteau The blending of two or more words will give you a portmanteau. Some of my personal favorites include liger (lion and tiger), spork (spoon and fork), skort (shorts and skirt), and brinner (breakfast and dinner). Some things to consider when using abbreviations: Anyone can make up an abbreviation and many are non-standard. They should, therefore, be left out of formal writing. If the full word would be capitalized (e.g., Sunday or January), make sure to capitalize the abbreviation (e.g., Sun. or Jan.). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†Cannot or Can Not?30 Words for Small Amounts
Monday, November 4, 2019
Protein Misfolding Amyloid Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Protein Misfolding Amyloid - Lab Report Example Fig 3. Fluorescence intensities of a) Tyrosine b) Tryptophan and c) Thioflavin T in Con A , at 40 0C a) b) c) Fig 3 b also shows considerable Trp fluorescence at pH 5.0 and 7.0 while at pH 9.0, intensity remained insignificant again showing buried/ quenched Trp residues. After a lag of 40 h the ThT intensity increased sharply to high level at pH 5.0. At pH 7.0, the plateau was attained after slight increase up to 20 h. At pH 9.0 the intensity increased at 70 h. Amyloid A40 Assay: Fig 4. Fluorescence of a) Tyrosine and b) Thioflavin T in A40 at 250 C Fig 4 a) The ThioflavinT bound to A increases at 40 h decreases thereafter and increases indicating conformational changes. Fig 4 b) Fig 4. shows Tyr intensity decreasing after 60h and so is the Th T intensity however the latter increases thereafter showing increased amyloidal fibril formation but at this time the Tyr seems to be quenched somewhat. Fig 5. TE Micrographs of Con A in pH 5.0 at 0 h Fig 5 a) X10K some amorphous aggregates are already present at this pH Fig 6. TEM showing Con A in pH 5.0 at a) 4 (X40K) and, b) 48h (X40K) c) 48 h at pH 7.0 (X15K and d) 48h at pH 9.0 at 25 0C Fig 6 a) only amorphous aggregates are present Fig 6 b) Fibril formation is clearly visible. Fig 6 c) 48h at pH 7.0 (X15K) Fig 6 d) 48 h at pH 9.0 (X10K) as expected the long amyloid fibrils are in state of formation Fig 7. Con A at 37.2 0C and pH 5.0 after 24h The physiological temperature and low pH shows abundant short rods Fig 8. A40 at 25 0 C a) 0, and b) 3h. (X20K) neither shows fibrils despite positive ThT fluorescence. Fig 7 shows AB40 as small...But at pH 9.0 the intensity decreased sharply from beginning up to 70h and then attained a plateau. The decrease of 400u indicated huge conformational change leading to buried and /or quenched Trp residues. Th T fluorescence decreased slightly up to 50 hrs and increased sharply thereafter reaching at peak at 80 hrs and then decreasing considerably. At pH 7 the intensity increased from beginning, reaching a max at 50h and decreasing sharply, thereafter. The Th T fluorescence shows reversible trend in these experiments and conformational changes are occurring fast. At pH 9.0, there was considerable increase in fluorescence intensity after 75h showing fibrillation (fig 1 c). Highest intensity was observed at pH 5.0 while considerably high Intensity at pH 7.0. However at pH 9.0 there was negligible intensity for tyrosine. The latter temperature and pH combination either create conditions for Tyrosine quenching or the aggregates deeply bury this amino acid as a result of conformational changes (Fig 3a). Fig 4. shows Tyr intensity decreasing after 60h and so is the Th T intensity however the latter increases thereafter showing increased amyloidal fibril formation but at this time the Tyr seems to be quenched somewhat. Only large amorphous structures seen after 72 h while a solitary long fibril is seen in the upper region after 96h (Fig 8 b).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Take Home Exam for Com 100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Take Home Exam for Com 100 - Essay Example Appiah emphasizes that â€Å"American social distinctions cannot be understood in terms of the concept of race†(Appiah 102). America is a diverse nation; it is composed of different races, and no race should be superior over the other. America is known for its cultural multiplicity. That’s what describes it as a nation. Furthermore, Appiah believes that â€Å"the only human race in the United States, I shall argue, is the human race†(54).He believes that social divisions are merely beliefs that have been drawn from natural historical notion or causal theory. This peculiarity requires a need for change and neutralization. Hence, the central point of this discussion shall focus on how Appiah’s claim on the existence of race would affect the way people think, act, speak and write by understanding the key points specified in Appiah’s article. Appiah claims that â€Å"what we learn when we learn a word like â€Å"race†is a set of rules for app lying the term†(57). ... Appiah argues that race cannot be identified by simply looking at the colour of the skin. The identification of race based on colour is a flawed belief in that even variations in colour are collectively joined together in some applications. For instance, the United States Census Bureau does not classify â€Å"Latino†as a single race but, regardless of the range of colours they find themselves of having, the US Census Bureau classifies them as Hispanic; you do not find a racial classification that says â€Å"Strong Brown Hispanic†or â€Å"Light Brown Hispanic†, in other words, even colour is not recognized as indicative of race; also, if race is only based on the colour of the skin, it is quite obvious that black shades are not only endowed to African-Americans or Blacks. Think about Ghanaians, Indians, or Tanzanians, they have skin colours that are relatively similar to Black Americans but much difference is being to them. Seen this way, there is a much telling reason that hides behind skin colour, which could either be a social or a cultural phenomenon because if all Blacks are regarded uniformly such that Indians are also considered as the same race with Black Americans based on their colour, Indians should have likewise experienced the stern upshots of social distinctions that are prevalent in the United States up until today. So, granting that Appiah is indeed right that there is no human race by arguing that race cannot be indentified by colour, the consequences would be immense: first, it would result into a borderless world in which people could freely intermingle and interrelate with other people without a strong regard of their physical appearance and their cognitive abilities. Second, the manner in which we speak, think, and act
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